Title: Talent Promotion and Attraction Plan



The Complutense University of Madrid, in agreement with the rest of the institutions financed by the call corresponding to the Program for the Universalization of Digital Infrastructures for Cohesion - 5G I+D (UNICO 5G I+D), have agreed to collaborate in defining a unified project at under the name Plan for the Promotion of Telecommunications Studies (PPET).

The main objective of the PPET is to attract talent towards telecommunications studies, thus helping to solve the shortage of talent in technologies such as advanced 5G and 6G, essential for research centers and industries. This plan will deploy a series of actions for the dissemination of these studies among the different levels of students, so as to improve the attraction of good students to them, while emphasizing the incorporation of female talent, currently in very low levels, and international students for master's and doctoral levels. This promotion plan is considered unique, and the use of actions that are agreed to be carried out will be carried out throughout Spain, beyond the geographical scope or action of each of the PPET beneficiary entities.

The PPET is made up of six impact areas, which will be the recipients and beneficiaries of the actions to be carried out. The Complutense University of Madrid actively participates in Area 5 (International) whose objective is to attract students from other countries to join master's or doctoral programs in Spain. Among other actions, the annual organization of one-week Summer Schools is contemplated, which will have the participation of companies and renowned researchers on 5G-6G and other innovative technologies in the telecommunications area.


Project Card

Code TSI-063000-2021-76
Financing Fondo Específico de Investigación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Title Talent Promotion and Attraction Plan
Total Grant 250.000 €
Start Date 01/01/2022
End Date 31/12/2024
Main Researcher (UCM) Luis Javier García Villalba